For information on the items on these meeting agendas please email All meetings are held in Room 270, on the second floor of the Jefferson County Courthouse in Birmingham, Alabama.
Interpretation of the Sign Regulation
The current sign regulations (adopted February 9, 2017) allow for signs in commercial and industrial zones to be located on "any side of a building" so long as they meet other requirements as stipulated in the regulations. Continue reading..
Interpretation of Subdivisions
Ordinance 1848 was legally adopted by the County Commission on November 5, 2020. For Part II, pertaining to Subdivision and Plats: Continue reading..
Interpretation of Public Hearing Application Advertising Costs
Ordinance 1848 was legally adopted by the County Commission on November 5, 2020. After review of average costs for public hearing advertisements (newspaper, mailing, etc.), it recommended public hearing fees be interpreted as follows: Continue reading..
Interpretation of Zoning for Food Trucks
The current Zoning Resolution does not specifically address Food Trucks or stipulate which zoning districts they would be permissible. In instances when a specific use is not explicitly permissible within a zoning district, Continue reading..
Regular Meetings
View the 2025 Meetings Calendar
Applications accepted by Jefferson County are processed in the order they are received. Applications shall be moved to the next available public hearing when the application has been found sufficient, all legal public notices completed and the staff report is finalized. Depending upon the date of your application, the quality of the information provided and the complexity of the request it may take up to three (3) months for your application to be heard at a regularly scheduled public hearing.
Other Resources
Adopted Map Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan
Zoning Amendment Application Process Flow chart
Value Of Planning - Planning fundamentals for public officials and engaged citizens