General Information

Wesley Scott Moore, Director
Scott Herron, Deputy Director
Eric Pruitt, Deputy Director

The Jefferson County Revenue Department administers and enforces several federal, state, county and municipal statutes, ordinances and regulations. This responsibility includes collecting and distributing motor vehicle taxes, motor vehicle registration fees, hunting/fishing license fees, privilege (business) licenses, sales and special revenue sales taxes, to name a few, on behalf of the State of Alabama, Jefferson County Commission; and, Jefferson County municipalities, school districts and governmental agencies.

Mission: To be a model local government that anticipates and meets evolving needs of a diverse community with energy, character, dedication and accountability.

Vision: Providing exceptional everyday service through character and competence.

Online Tax Filing System

You can now use the State of Alabama ONE SPOT Tax Filing website to file county and state sales tax. To use the ONE SPOT system, business taxpayers need to sign up at MyAlabamaTaxes (MAT) or learn more at:

Additionally, Jefferson County Sales & Use Tax Section can be contacted by phone at (205) 325-5195 or by email using Contact_Revenue_License_&


Effective January 1, 2013 Act 2011-688 (Mandatory Liability Insurance Act) requires all motor vehicle owners to provide evidence of insurance before a registration can be provided. Walk-In customers should be prepared to provide proof of insurance and valid State driver’s license/identification for each owner and co-owner.

When renewing by mail, include a LEGIBLE copy of your driver’s license and that of the co-owner, if any, and copies of the insurance card for each vehicle.

Most vehicle registrations may be renewed by internet at

For more information on mandatory liability insurance visit: or watch Online Insurance Verification System (OIVS) videos.

More Information


Check back here regularly for current news items.

Answers to questions not found on this web site may possibly be found at the State of Alabama Department of Revenue site.