Public Notice: Notice of Proposed New Solid Waste Construction and Demolition Landfill, Mt. Olive, Alabama |
10/30/2020 |
Jefferson County Commission has received the “Host Application for Local Governmental Approval” (Application) from Hilltop Recycling, LLC (Applicant) for a Landfill Solid Waste permit for the construction of a new private construction and demolition (C&D) waste landfill (Landfill) known as the Hilltop Recycling Center sited in Jefferson County, Alabama. This public notice is provided to the public to offer review and obtain comment per application requirements pursuant to Section 22-27-48 and Section 22-27-48.1 of Code of Alabama regarding Local Governmental Approval for the Application. The Jefferson County Commission formally received the Application at its October 22, 2020 meeting (Receipt Date), and the public comment period has opened for Jefferson County to consider to approve or disapprove the application. Not more than 45 days after the Receipt Date, the Applicant shall conduct a public awareness session in the county or municipality in which the proposed facility is to be located, during which the Applicant shall provide general information on the design and operation of the proposed facility and address questions and concerns voiced by members of the affected community. The time, date, and location of the public awareness session must be approved by the local governing body. The applicant, at its own expense, shall provide notice of the public awareness session by both printed and broadcast media beginning at least 30 days prior to the session. Not more than 45 days after the date of the public awareness session, Jefferson County shall hold at least one public hearing. Notice of the time and place of any public hearing shall be given by publication in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the affected community at least 30 days, but not more than 45 days, prior to the proposed date of the hearing. Jefferson County shall have 30 days after the public hearing to complete its review of the application and, giving consideration to the criteria described below, to public input, and to other information gathered from the Applicant, shall make a discretionary decision to approve or disapprove the siting of the Landfill in accordance with Section 22-27-48 of Code of Alabama. In determining whether to recommend approval of the proposed Landfill, Jefferson County shall consider each of the following criteria: (1) The consistency of the proposal with need as identified in Jefferson County’s Solid Waste Management Plan. (2) The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads. (3) The location of the Landfill in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste. (4) Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support the Landfill and protect public health, safety, and the environment. (5) The impact of the Landfill on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety. (6) The social and economic impacts of the Landfill on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception. The Landfill is proposed to be located in a portion of the SE ¼ of SE ¼ Section 13 and a portion of NE ¼ Section 24 Township 15 South, Range 4 West and a portion of NW ¼ Section 19, Township 15 South, Range 3 West to be serviced off a private road (Hilltop Ownership), which connects to Old Mt. Olive Road at 7468 Old Mt. Olive Road within Jefferson County, Alabama. The Hilltop Recycling Center is planned to have a permitted area of approximately 128 acres with a disposal area of approximately 75.0 acres and a landfill life expectancy of 20-25 years. The approved waste stream for the Hilltop Recycling Center shall be non-putrescible and non-hazardous construction and demolition waste, discarded tires and rubbish as defined by ADEM Rule 335-13-1-.03(29). The service area for Hilltop Recycling Center is proposed to be the State of Alabama, but predominately from Jefferson and surrounding counties. The maximum average daily volume of waste disposed at the Hilltop Landfill is proposed to be 150 cubic yards per day. The Application and Solid Waste Management Plan are available via Jefferson County’s website at These documents are also available for inspection at the below referenced location or copies may be obtained from Monday – Friday (except legal holidays), 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. A fee for copying and/or mailing may be charged. Arrangements for copying should be made in advance to the County Department’s named contacts below. Doug Warnat or Tonya Kelley Jefferson County Environmental Services Department 716 Richard Arrington, Jr. Blvd. N.- Suite A-300 Birmingham, Alabama 35203 email: (205) 325-5496 Persons wishing to comment may do so, in writing or by email, to the County Department's named contacts above within 5 days following the last public hearing. In order to affect final decisions, comments must offer technical or substantial information that is applicable to the proposed permit. After consideration of all written comments, review of any public hearing record, and consideration of relevant criteria, the Jefferson County Commission will make a final determination. Jefferson County will develop a response to comments, which will become part of the public record and will be available to persons upon request. Notice will be sent to any person requesting notice of the final action. This notice is hereby given this 31st day of October 2020, by Jefferson County. |
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