No In Person Absentee Voting Oct. 17 at Jefferson County Courthouse |
10/14/2020 |
The following is a media release from Probate Judge James P. Naftel, head of the Jefferson County Election Commission OCTOBER 14, 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ABSENTEE VOTING UPDATE #1: The JeffersonCounty Courthouse will not be open for in-person absentee voting onSaturday, October 17, 2020. TheAbsentee Election Manager Offices on the Fifth Floor of the Main Courthouse indowntown Birmingham and in the basement of the Bessemer Courthouse are openMonday-Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Any other special voting dates or times are subject to approval by boththe Secretary of State and the County Commission. ABSENTEE VOTING UPDATE #2: Voters who reside inthe Bessemer Division and who wish to vote absentee must send absenteeapplications and return ballots to the Bessemer Courthouse, or vote in-personthere; likewise, voters who reside in the Birmingham Division of JeffersonCounty must send absentee applications to the Main Courthouse in downtownBirmingham, and return ballots by mail or vote in person there. The Absentee Election Manager office in theMain Courthouse cannot process applications or ballots for voters residing inthe Bessemer Division, nor can the Bessemer Absentee Election Manager officeprocess applications or ballots for voters residing in the Birmingham Division. |
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